Hearing loss is a prevalent condition that can effect many individuals at some point in their life. Regardless of age, various factors can trigger hearing loss like, noise exposure. When you notice signs of this, consulting an audiologist for assistance in treatment and management is crucial.

An audiologist will help you to find effective strategies to manage hearing loss, aiming to enhance your quality of life. Numerous approaches exist to help you navigate hearing challenges while maintaining an enjoyable lifestyle. An audiologist will be able to see if any hearing loss is present and what would be the best treatment for you.

When Should You See an Audiologist?

It’s advisable to seek consultation with a hearing specialist whenever you notice changes in your auditory abilities or experience symptoms of hearing loss. If you find yourself frequently asking others to repeat themselves, struggling to follow conversations in noisy environments or experiencing ringing or buzzing sounds in your ears, it’s essential to schedule an appointment with a hearing specialist. Additionally, sudden or gradual changes in your hearing, especially if they affect one ear more than the other, should prompt a visit to an audiologist. Moreover, if you work in a loud environment or have a family history of hearing loss, regular check-ups with a hearing specialist can be beneficial for early detection and management of any potential issues.

Now you know when to see an audiologist, it’s worth looking at how they can help with hearing loss management.

Diagnosing Your Hearing Loss

When you’re experiencing hearing loss, there may be an underlying cause like age, illness, injury or earwax blockage. Your audiologist will identify these underlying causes and provide a suitable treatment for you based on the cause of your hearing loss. Understanding and diagnosing your hearing loss will ensure treatment catered to your needs, whether you have age-related hearing loss or a blockage. After knowing the underlying cause, your audiologist will also know the severity of your hearing loss. These range from mild to profound.

They’ll usually perform several exams during your consultation, each of which are designed to look for various issues. Some of the test they may perform include:

  • Pure-tone testing
  • Speech testing
  • Ear examination

Managing and Treating Hearing Loss

After diagnosing the cause of your hearing loss, a hearing specialist plays a crucial role in its management and potential treatments. Through comprehensive ear examinations, they aim to gain a detailed understanding of your concerns while ensuring transparent communication. Once they’ve gathered a thorough comprehension of your situation, they can recommend a suitable course of action. Based on the results obtained, there may be a range of treatments available for you. An audiologist will engage in detailed discussions, presenting the most fitting choices tailored to your specific needs.

That includes suggesting which hearing aids and devices might be best for you. If you have mild-to-moderate hearing loss, your audiologist may recommend an in-the-canal (ITC) hearing aid. Whereas if you have moderately severe hearing loss, an in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aid may be the best option for you. If you are experiencing mild-to-profound hearing loss a behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid will be recommended to treat your hearing loss.

Once you have chosen your hearing aid, your audiologist will take you through a hearing aid fitting. Your device will be fitted to the shape of your ear, ensuring comfort. After your fitting, a hearing specialist will adjust your hearing aids to fit your hearing profile and the environment you live in.

See a Hearing Specialist Today

Given the crucial role of a hearing specialist in addressing hearing loss, it’s advisable to seek their expertise when you start experiencing any symptoms of hearing loss. Their ability to diagnose the cause of your hearing condition and assist in mitigating its impact makes early consultation highly beneficial. Seeking guidance from an audiologist can help in the prevention of further hearing loss, by scheduling regular follow-up appointments.

Have you been experiencing symptoms of hearing loss? Schedule an appoint with an audiologist at The Hearing and Tinnitus Center. Our audiologists will diagnose and treat your hearing loss, provide the best solutions for you. Call us today at (720) 420-7780.

Tags: hearing loss symptoms, hearing loss testing